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Factors that Influencing Transformation Renewable Market in Latin America During COVID-19 Era.

As the Covid-19 pandemic brings historic disruption to the world’s economies, Atlas Renewable Energy layout the trends shaping the Latin American market and outlook for the sector going forward. With political risk factors, investment trends, technological advances, and external shocks affecting the sector in myriad ways have made Latin American renewables market has undergone a dramatic transformation.

Based on Atlas, there is 7 factors that influencing the renewable market in Latin America; These are:

  • Power sector demonstrates resilience amid infrastructure slowdown
  • Renewables demand holds up even as electricity usage plunges
  • Technological advances keep driving costs down
  • A new perspective from financiers
  • The rise of corporate PPAs
  • Investment and energy policies support the transition to renewables and boost economy.

Find the details explanation if factors above in original post here: 7 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE RENEWABLES MARKET IN LATIN AMERICA/
