Green Technology Implementation, Research & Files, Sustainable Development

Drive The Energy Transformation with a Strategic Action Plan

In the paper Readiness Assessment: El Salvador from IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) claimed that El Salvador has not added fossil fuel power generation since 2013 and made significant progress in diversifying its national energy mix. The analysis, developed through a broad stakeholder consultation process at the national level, shows that competitive bidding processes and various tax incentives for renewable electricity have contributed to creating favorable business conditions for renewable energy generation in the country. country. However, El Salvador’s diverse renewable resource potential remains largely untapped. It is claimed that El Salvador could add up to 682 MW of renewable energy capacity by 2026.

Improving long-term planning for the renewable energy sector, promoting project development and establishing clear institutional frameworks are some of the actions that can significantly accelerate the deployment of renewable energy in El Salvador, are some of the recommendations published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to the Central American country.

Among the main barriers to promoting this development are mentioned “the lack of coordination and long-term energy planning”, which is why a more complete national energy plan “that encompasses all energy technologies, as well as suppliers and consumers” is recommended. In the long term, such a plan should include an integrated analysis of current market conditions and establish pathways for the integration of distributed renewable technologies in buildings.

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Sources: Energias Renovables (