Project Management, Projects, Sustainability & Recycling Program, Sustainable Development

Huge Agenda from UNDP to Set Sustainable Development in Latin America & the Caribbean

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)  has promoted an integrated approach that tackles the connected issues of multidimensional poverty, inequality and exclusion, and sustainability. While at the same time they enhancing knowledge, skills, and production technologies to enlarge peoples’ choices, reduce risks and sustain development gains.

A huge agenda set in 2030 for Sustainable Development became an ambitious, universal and holistic agenda. The agenda was strengthen with goals to gain more strength capacities and provide an enabling environment for access to opportunities, they also focusing on the most vulnerable and excluded population groups – in ways that are sustainable from economic, social and environmental standpoints.

UNDP works with countries to build their capacity to integrate environmental considerations into development plans and strategies, to manage and sustainably use natural resources; they ensure that natural wealth is used to promote economic recovery and livelihoods, and effectively target policies to reduce poverty and provide social protection for those in need.

Theres four (4) programmes and innitiatives to achieve their goals;

  1. Equator Initiative
  2. Ocean Action Hub
  3. UN-REDD Programme
  4. Green Commodities Programme

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Sources: UNDP Latin America & the Caribbean (