Green Technology Implementation, Project Management, Sustainability & Recycling Program, Sustainable Development

Make your Tourism Business Greener

Nowadays, people are very aware of environmental issues, and many are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the earth and to live a more sustainable, responsible lifestyle. These mindsets highly extend to their way to spend their holidays/traveling. Eco-conscious tourists seek out destinations and businesses that have “green” practices in place, and even those who are not actively interested in the topic will prefer a sustainable establishment over one that is not. Making your business greener and caring for the planet’s safety is mostly having a positive effect on your tourism business. can have a direct impact on your bottom line, and a possibility for your business reputation as a forward-thinking and environmentally reponsible business.

Making your business greener or known as greening your business means putting policies in place that ensure efficient, reduced use of resources (like water, electricity, and fuel), sustainable practices, community development, environmental protection, and awareness. It is a multifaceted discipline that involves everything from building energy-efficient structures to switching off lights and reducing the frequency that laundry is done.

Many business on this industry are mistaken their concept that becoming environmentally friendly needs many costs and is inconvenient – but a clever greening strategy will result in the opposite effect. A right greening strategy will effectively lowering your costs cause with these strategy means sourcing local supplies and becoming resource-independent are just some of the benefits.

In the list below, Tourism Tattler shares some green practices that you can put quickly and cheaply to make your business greener:

  1. Reduce your reliance on electricity-guzzling air conditioning
  2. Reduce, reuse, recycle
  3. Rethink the way you use transport. 
  4. Source locally instead of purchasing imported goods. 
  5. Be water wise
  6. Cut down on excess services. 
  7. Educate your staff and guests 

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Sources: Tourism Tattler (