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The Heating Up of Net-Zero Carbon Pledges in Energy Management

Net-zero carbon pledges are heating up. Japan just committed to reaching net-zero, only four weeks after China did the same. In total, seven of the 10 largest economies in the world (not including America, India and Brazil) have made such commitments. And that’s on top of all the subnational players, the corporates and others. It’s become clear that There’s imposible to reach net-zero at any significant scale without some pretty heavy carbon management. That means carbon capture, carbon removal and carbon utilization.

As a result, the carbon management sector has seen a frenzy of activity over the past couple of years, ranging from research to investment and innovation. Just this year, we’ve seen venture capital flow into companies protecting forests, sequestering carbon in the soil, capturing CO2 directly in the air, and converting captured CO2 into a range of products from cement to jet fuel. With this episode, we make sense of both economics and technology.

Shayle Kann talks with a senior research scholar at the Columbia Center on Global Energy Policy Dr. Julio Friedmann. He is an expert on all things related to carbon management. The details of their conversation are served in The Interchange the record below:

Shayle Kann talks with Dr. Julio Friedmann

The Interchange is supported by Schneider Electric, the leader of digital transformation in energy management and automation. Schneider Electric has designed and deployed more than 300 microgrids in North America, helping customers gain energy independence and control while increasing resilience and reaching their clean energy goals.

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Sources: Green Tech Media (